Online Courses and Lessons for All Ages
Online courses are a great way to learn and explore a new concept. There are plenty of online learning sites where you can enroll in a course, take a free trial, or even just peruse the options. Be mindful of the course level before choosing and feel free to learn something together, regardless of your age or ability level. Take the opportunity to learn and explore something new!
Khan Academy has started a semi-structured plan for students home and learning.
Take it virtual – Visit different parks, museums, and other locations virtually.
These 12 Famous Museums Offer Virtual Tours You Can Take on Your Couch
6 Beautiful Italian Museums to Visit for Free Online
Even though staying at home is unexpected, you can use the time to reconnect and learn with your kids. These are a few resources for parents to engage with together:
Teaching Remotely for Grades K – 12 | Free Resources and Strategies
49 Montessori-inspired ideas for indoor activities with your kids
Live Online Doodling Classes Daily at 1pm
Announcing: LUNCH DOODLES with Mo Willems!
Mini science lessons through fun short videos for k-6 graders